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Austria (2).png

Capital: Vienna

Major Language: German

Area: 83,871 km2

Population: 9.05 million

HDI Rank: 18 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 5.1 million (56.9%)

Other Religions:

Orthodox: 796,400 (8.8%)

Protestant: 298,650 (3.3%)

Islam: 714,950 (7.9%)

Other: 2 million (23%)

General Information:

Austria’s name means a “Sharp Mountain.” The country became independent in 1955 from Allied occupation. Austria has a rich history in art, culture and music. Vienna was the European capital of classical music. The country has some of the most scenic locations in the world, and enjoys a prosperous economy and a high standard of living. But the Austrian people live with high suicide, alcoholism and abortion rates. Some of Austria’s best-known personalities include Sigmund Freud, Amadeus Mozart, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The most popular sports are soccer, ice hockey and skiing.


Religious Background:

Historically, Austria has wavered between Catholicism and Protestantism. With the Catholic Church dominating for much of its past, Austria has seen periods of Protestant reformation and promotion of its beliefs. The Catholic and Reformed Church are recognized as state churches. Both are required to pay a membership fee of around one percent of a member’s income. There is a small group of Evangelicals. Muslims have increased in recent years. Occult involvement outnumbers church attendees.


Catholic background:

The Catholic Church has been active in Austria as far back as the Roman Empire. Catholic missionaries were never sent to Austria, but they have grown from a small minority. The 1600s saw a Protestant Reformation and 3/4th of Austria became Protestant. However, in 1580, a Counter-Reformation resulted in the increase of Catholics. For more than 50 years, however, the proportion of Catholics has decreased, primarily due to secularization and migration. The Church is composed of 2 archdioceses, 7 dioceses and 3,058 parishes.  Patron saint: St. Florian.

Prayer Points


1.  Austrians to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 5.1 million Catholics in Austria.

  • Most Catholics are nominal and for many, Catholicism is purely cultural. Pray that they may come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will open eyes and soften hearts to know Christ and truly come into a relationship with Him.

  • Pray that Catholics would hear the gospel and realize that salvation is merited by Christ alone, apart from human merit or works.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 3,058 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 4,360 priests, 2,374 brothers and 5,220 sisters.

  • Remember the millions of Catholics in Austria who do not know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Pray that their hearts may be open to receive the true gospel and trust in Him alone.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Evangelical Christians are in the minority in Austria, but are growing steadily. Pray for Evangelical pastors and leaders to receive adequate training and financial support to aid them in their ministry. Pray for the gospel to spread rapidly. Pray that the Evangelicals would communicate the gospel simply, boldly and clearly.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Abortion, alcoholism, suicide, different forms of 'new spirituality' and occultism, and a steady moral decline, continue to plague Austria. An increasing number of Austrians claim no faith. Pray that they will be kept from every evil and wickedness.


5. Other Religions

Islam is the largest minority religion in Austria, practiced by 8% of the population. Pray that the grace of God will be revealed to them through Jesus Christ. Pray for the gospel to reach the over two million people who are unaffiliated.

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