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Capital: Porto-Novo

Major Language: French

Area: 114,763 km2

Population: 12.5 million

HDI Rank: 158 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 3.4 million (27%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 2 million (16%)

Islam: 3 million (24%)

Other: 4.2 million (33%)

General Information:

The country was previously known as Dahomey, and was named Benin in 1975. The Dahomey Kingdom rose to wealth mostly through the slave trade. This region was referred to as the ‘Slave Coast’ due to the large number of people who were kidnapped and trafficked as slaves to the New World. Benin gained independence from France in 1960. It had a tumultuous history since then, with many different democratic governments, military coups, and military governments. It is one of the world’s least developed nations. The Beninese national sport is soccer.


Religious Background:

The Constitution provides for freedom of religion. Catholicism, Islam and Protestantism have large followings, but majority of the people practice animism. Benin is the birthplace of Voodoo, which has spread throughout Africa and the world. Vodun is practiced exclusively by 17% of the population and also celebrated as the country's annual Voodoo Day. It is often mixed with all other dominant religions, and it is not unusual for members of the same family to practice Christianity, Islam, traditional local religious beliefs, or a combination of all of these.


Catholic background:

Portugal first entered Benin as far back as 1485. Catholicism made many ineffective attempts to take root there. The first chapel was however built in 1680. By 1830, there were around 2,000 Portuguese Catholics. In 1861, two priests arrived, but their ministry was restricted, until France colonized Benin in 1894, allowing for freedom to evangelize. In 1901, Benin became an apostolic vicariate, and by 1955 it became an archdiocese and metropolitan See. The Church is composed of 2 archdioceses, 9 dioceses and 212 parishes. Patron saint: None.

Prayer Points


1. Beninese to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 3.4 million Catholics in Benin.   

  • Catholicism is infiltrated with voodoo, witchcraft and syncretism. Pray that God would lead them to repentance and bring them to the saving faith in Christ.

  • Ask God for an increasing outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring many to salvation through Jesus Christ.

  •  Pray that Catholics would hunger and thirst for the living water that comes from only Jesus, and not traditions or rituals.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 212 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 501 priests, 227 brothers and 939 sisters.

  • Pray that Catholics would by faith in Christ become true members of the Body of Christ, which is the only true Church of Jesus Christ.


3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

There has been a significant growth of Evangelical Christians, especially with the arrival of Nigerian and Ghanaian missionaries. Ask God to raise up a large number of Evangelicals to be His witnesses, and that there will be many new initiatives to bring the gospel to them. Pray that Evangelical churches will continue to grow both in godliness and number.

4. Social evils and issues in the country

Benin's major social problems are mainly caused by its poor economy. It is severely underdeveloped, and corruption is rife. The spread of AIDS continues to be a threat. Pray that through Jesus they will be set free from these social evils.


5. Other Religions

Celestial Church of Christ, Jehovah’s Witness, Unification Church and Islam are among the religions found in Benin along with the African traditional religion. Pray that they would come to know Christ Jesus personally and forsake their old beliefs.

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