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Capital: Ottawa

Major Language: English, French

Area: 9.9 million km2

Population: 38 million

HDI Rank: 16 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 15 million (39%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 11 million (29%)

Other: 12 million (32%)

General Information:

Canada is the second largest country after Russia, and is also one of the least densely populated country on earth. Inhabited by the indigenous peoples, it was occupied by France and Great Britain by the late 17th century. The nation gained independence from Great Britain in 1867. Majority of Canadians have British and French ancestors. Canada has the most lakes and polar bears in the world. The nation is wealthy, and economically and technologically developed. The Canadians invented basketball, and created the ‘Superman’. Most favorite sport is Ice hockey.


Religious Background:

The Canadian Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion. Explored and colonized by both the French and the British, the French colonists were primarily Catholics, while British colonists were mainly Protestants. Though the majority of the population claim to be Christians, Canada's vibrant and diverse immigrant population has introduced a number of different religions to the country. Catholicism is on the rise mainly due to the influx of Catholic immigrants. About a quarter of Canadians are currently atheist or agnostic, not following any religion.


Catholic background:

Catholicism came to what is now Canada, with the first European explorers in 1000 A.D., but was slow to establish itself. The Catholic missionaries began converting the indigenous peoples, and by 1608 the first Catholic colony was founded in Quebec City. The Franciscans established themselves in Québec in 1615, followed by the Jesuits in 1625. The Franciscans, the Jesuits and the Capuchins all continued the missionary work, and witnessed a substantial growth. The Church is composed of 19 archdioceses, 53 dioceses and 4,865 parishes. Patron saints: Joseph, Anne.

Prayer Points


1. Canadians to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 15 million Catholics in Canada.

  • Most Catholics are nominal, with Catholicism having no relevance in their lives.  Pray that they would have a real and meaningful encounter with Jesus.

  • Pray that the Spirit of God will open blind eyes to see the truth of the gospel and that the word of God will not return empty.

  • Pray that Catholics will know that they are saved by faith and not by works, as salvation is based on the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 4,865 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 8,441 priests, 5,181 brothers and 19,880 sisters.

  • Ask God to bring Catholics to a knowledge of the truth and that God’s word will be given its rightful place among them.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Evangelical Christianity has declined from 26% about a century ago, to a mere 8%. ‘Evangelical’ and ‘born-again’, are perceived as negative terms. Pray that believers will be united, and find relevant ways to evangelize this secular nation. Pray for the church to grow as a missions-sending body, and for Evangelicals to  use  every means to win the lost.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Canada is plagued with humanism, socialism, secularism and materialism, along with social evils like debauchery, pornography, perversion, drunkenness, drug use and gambling. Pray for a reversal of these ideologies and evils, by God’s power.


5. Other Religions

Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormonism and Baháʼí Faith are some of the religions that form the religious fabric of the country. Pray that God’s word will be revealed to them and many would come to salvation.

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