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Central African Republic.png
AFRICA Central African Republic.png
Central African Republic.png

Capital: Bangui

Major Languages: French, Sango

Area: 622,984 km2

Population: 4.9 million

HDI Rank: 188 of 189

Major Religions:

Catholic: 1.2 million (25%)

Protestant: 1.2 million (25%)

Other Religions:

Islam: 0.7 million (15%)

Other: 1.7 million (35%)

General Information:

France gained control of Central African Republic (CAR) in late 1800s. The nation has been unstable since its independence in 1960, with multiple coups and internal conflicts. European and Arab slave traders exploited the region throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The country is home to the Pygmy people. Though the nation is rich in diamonds and gold, it is one of the poorest and the least developed countries in the world.  It has the world’s lowest life expectancy. Child marriages are permitted in the country. Soccer is the most popular sport.


Religious Background:

The CAR's Constitution provides for religious freedom. Many Christians and Muslims in CAR incorporate indigenous religious practices, such as ancestral worship, belief in a supreme being, spirits, religious dances, and ceremonies. There is a widespread practice of witchcraft, though it is banned in the country by law. Adherents of indigenous beliefs account for 35% of the population. There has been continuous confrontations and clashes over the decades, between Muslim and Christian radicals. The government and the religious leaders try to restore peace.


Catholic background:

The first African priest was ordained in 1938 in CAR. The first Vicarate was set up in Bangui in 1940. A lack of Catholic missionaries hurt the Church's evangelical efforts during World War I. However, there was an influx of personnel after the war, that allowed missions to expand beyond the borders. The country’s Church hierarchy was formally established in 1955. The Catholic Church has been growing in numbers, despite the political upheaval and unrest in the country. The Church is composed of one archdiocese, 9 dioceses and 114 parishes. Patron saint: None.

Prayer Points


1. Central Africans to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 1.2 million Catholics in Central African Republic.

  • Catholicism is mixed with the indigenous religious practices. Pray for a breakthrough of the gospel, and for them to know the Savior.

  • Pray that God’s power will be released as the believers intercede for the Catholics in the nation.

  • Ask God for religious bondages to be broken and for them to come to the true knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 114 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 277 priests, 189 brothers and 334 sisters.

  • Pray that there will be a great harvest of souls as many trust Jesus.


3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

CAR had once been one of the world’s most evangelized nations, through foreign missions. National missions however are increasing, and indigenous-led churches are growing.  Pray for more missionaries to be trained, and sent to the unreached. Ask God to raise an army of prayer warriors, and for many to get involved in reaching the lost.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

CAR continues to be impacted by its long history of conflict, poor governance, weak institutions. The country is plagued by violence, conflict and internal displacement. Pray for healing, restoration, peace and stability in the nation.


5. Other Religions

Islam, Jehovah’s Witness and traditional indigenous beliefs are the other religions, with the latter comprising almost 1/3rd of the population. Pray for their hearts to be opened to the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation.

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