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Costa Rica (2).png

Capital: San José

Major Language: Spanish

Area: 51,100 km2

Population: 5.2 million

HDI Rank: 62 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 3.8 million (72%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 0.8 million (15%)

Other: 0.7 million (13%)

General Information:

Costa Rica became a Spanish colony in 1563, and remained so for some two and a half centuries. Costa Rica declared its independence from Spain in 1821. It is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor, and is particularly known for its child sex tourism. Costa Rica has no army, and the money is mainly spent on development of education and health care. The country is known for its wild life, coffee, bananas and tourism. The standard of living is high. Costa Ricans enjoy soccer the most.


Religious Background:

Catholicism is the state religion, but the Constitution guarantees religious freedom for all. Only the Catholic Church is exempt from tax, and also receives state funds. The Catholic heritage remains important in everyday language and culture. Catholicism coexists and blends with other supernatural beliefs such as spirits and spells, and indigenous pagan religions. There is a growing movement of Evangelical Christians, and most of its adherents are former Catholics. People without religious affiliation have also grown substantially in Costa Rican society in recent years.


Catholic background:

Catholicism in Costa Rica dates back to the final voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1502. Traveling with Columbus, Fray Alejandre was the first priest to set foot on the continent. Christianity slowly spread along the Pacific coasts. Franciscan Juan de Quevedo was appointed the first bishop of Costa Rica in 1513. The Church, today, is deeply impacted by the charismatic renewal. There is also an ever-increasing divorce rate among the Catholics.  The Church is composed of one archdiocese, 7 dioceses and 307 parishes. Patron saints: Our Lady of the Angels, San José.

Prayer Points


1. Costa Ricans to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 3.8 million Catholics in Costa Rica.

  • Most Catholics are nominal in their faith. Pray that God would reveal Himself to them through the preaching of the gospel.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will create an interest among the Catholics to know about Jesus and the true gospel.

  • Pray for Catholics to understand the gospel of grace, and that they will not strive to earn salvation through their own merits.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 307 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 761 priests, 327 brothers and 948 sisters.

  • Pray for seekers among Catholics to encounter Christ through believers, through God’s word.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Evangelicals have increased significantly over the years. Mission movements have been established. Much focus is given to evangelism, but there is a lack of discipleship. Pray for God’s wisdom for churches and mission agencies. Ask the Lord to call people who are willing to share Christ with love, compassion and boldness with the lost.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Legalized prostitution, children sex trafficking, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence and immorality plague the society. Pray that there would be a sustained outreach to those caught in this web of evil forces, and many would be set free in Christ.


5. Other Religions

Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Baháʼí, Jainism, Luciferian, Rastafarian, Sikh, and Taoist are among the many religions found in Costa Rica. Ask God to give wisdom to Evangelicals to minister to these religious communities and draw them to Christ.

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