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Democratic Republic of Congo.png

Capital: Kinshasa

Major Language: French

Area: 2.4 million km2

Population: 93 million

HDI Rank: 175 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 42 million (45%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 24 million (26%)

Islam: 12 million (13%)

Other: 15 million (16%)

General Information:

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), was formerly known as Zaire. The Kingdom of Kongo ruled much of the region from the 14th to 19th centuries. The first Europeans to come to the land were the Portuguese in the year 1482, and it became a colony of Belgium in 1885. The nation gained independence from Belgium in 1960. Successive civil wars in the 1990s resulted in a tragic six million lives being lost. DRC has the fastest growing population in the world, with families that have as many as ten or more children. Soccer is the most popular sport.


Religious Background:

The DRC Constitution provides for freedom of religion. Catholicism was introduced in 1482, whereas Protestant Christianity dates back to 1878, when the first Protestant mission was founded in the country. Islam made its way into DRC during the 18th century through the East African Arab ivory traders. Many Christian and Muslim followers retain elements of traditional African religions in their beliefs. Kimbanguism, a branch of the Christian religion, was formed in the 1900s. Belief in witchcraft is so common that children are sometimes accused of being witches. 


Catholic background:

Catholicism in DRC dates back to 1482, when Portuguese colonizers arrived and missionaries established some high-profile conversions (such as the King as well as his entourage). More widespread conversion to Catholicism occurred during the Belgian colonial era. Formerly an ally, the Catholic Church became the most severe critic of the Belgium government since independence, leading to a souring of relations between the two. The Church is composed of 6 archdioceses, 42 dioceses and 1,258 parishes. Patron saint: Immaculate Conception.

Prayer Points


1. Congolese to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 42 million Catholics in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Catholicism is syncretized with traditional African religions. Pray that they encounter the true gospel, and this may lead them to a vibrant faith in Christ.

  • Pray for God to send a revival among the Catholics in the nation.

  • Pray for God to break the barriers to understanding the truth of the word of God, so that Catholics will not be hindered from knowing and following the truth.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 1,258 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 24,306 priests, 3,649 brothers and 7,883 sisters.

  • It is urgently necessary for Catholics to rediscover the transforming power of the Good News about Christ. Ask God to reveal the gospel to them in relevant ways.


3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Since foreign missionaries can operate freely in the country, there has been substantial evangelical growth in the last few decades. Pray that the evangelization of the country will continue, and for godly and mature leaders to be raised. Pray that the Lord will encourage every believer to be a bold witness among the lost and lead them to the Savior.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

DRC is plagued with HIV/AIDS, abject poverty, tribalism, murder, child abuse, rape, cannibalism, and witchcraft. Pray that God will continue to deliver the traumatized and the suffering people, and root out all evil and wickedness from the country.


5. Other Religions

Practice of Islam, Kimbanguism and Indigenous religions is widespread with as much as 1/3rd of the population involved in it. Pray that there will be an openness to hear the gospel and many would come to the saving faith in Jesus Christ.

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