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Haiti (3).png

Capital: Port-au-Prince

Major Language: French

Area: 27,750 km2

Population: 11.5 million

HDI Rank: 170 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 8 million (70%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 3 million (25%)

Other: 0.5 million (5%)

General Information:

Columbus landed on the island of Hispaniola in 1492, and Haiti became a Spanish colony. The Spanish killed off most of the natives, and imported African slaves to work in the colony. The French took over the colony in the 1600s. The slaves gained independence from France in 1804. Haiti has since been riddled with bloody feuds and dictatorships. Nearly all of Haiti’s population are of African origin, and only about 5% are white. The majority of Haitians love to gamble, and cockfighting is a favorite pastime, in the villages. Soccer is the most popular sport.


Religious Background:

Most Haitians are Catholic, while a growing number claim to be Protestant. Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti, but voodoo may be considered the country's national religion. Brought by the African slaves, the majority of Haitians believe in and practice at least some aspects of voodoo. Most voodooists believe that their religion can coexist with Catholicism. Many Catholics, as well as Protestants completely denounce the practice of voodoo as devil worship. Carnival and New Year's Day are the biggest holidays for most Haitians.


Catholic background:

The first dioceses were founded in 1511. Catholic missionaries, especially the Dominicans and the Capuchins came with the French into the French territory of Haiti. The Capuchins were replaced by the Jesuits in 1704. There has been sporadic instances of violence and opposition against the Catholic Church over the decades. Catholicism in Haiti is deeply steeped into Voodooism, which is a mixture of African slave traditions and Catholic beliefs. The Church is composed of 2 archdioceses, 8 dioceses and 296 parishes. Patron saint: Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Prayer Points


1. Haitians to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 8 million Catholics in Haiti.

  • Majority of the Catholics hold at least some Voodoo beliefs.  Pray for deliverance for those in bondage to voodoo and that they will acknowledge Christ as the Lord and Savior.

  • Pray that as the seeds of the gospel are planted in the nation, that they would land on good soil and the Holy Spirit will produce a rich harvest of souls.

  • Pray that Catholics will realize that salvation is not a process from baptism to purgatory, but it is a ‘once-and-for-all’, instantaneous, declarative and divine act of God. 

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 296 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 691 priests, 682 brothers and 1,789 sisters.

  • Pray that Catholics will hear the Good News and by faith a great number will confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in His resurrected power to save them.​

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Many Evangelical missionaries came to the country in the last couple of centuries. With continued Christian missions and evangelism, the gospel is spreading rapidly throughout the country. Pray for the rapid growth of believers. Ask God for more Evangelicals to be trained and equipped to share the gospel with their own people. 


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Haiti is the poorest nation in the Americas. Sex and labor trafficking are rampant. It is the most destitute and least-stable country in the Americas. Pray that every effort will be made to proclaim Christ to them and bring all into His saving grace.


5. Other Religions

Voodoo is the national religion in the country. Baha'i Faith, Islam, Judaism, Eastern Religions, and other beliefs form the minority. Pray for strategies and resources to reach these various religious communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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