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Ireland (2).png

Capital: Dublin

Major Languages: Irish, English

Area: 84,421 km2

Population: 5 million

HDI Rank: 2 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 4 million (78.3%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 0.3 million (5.6%)

Other: 1 million (16.6%)

General Information:

Ireland is known as the “The Emerald Isle”. In 1948, most of Ireland, except six counties, became an independent country, and withdrew from the British Commonwealth. The country’s economy was based on agriculture, but since the late 1950s, government efforts to attract business have turned the country from one of Europe's poorest nations to its second wealthiest. The Irish excel in music and sports, and are famous for Saint Patrick’s Day, Irish pubs, Irish stew, and castles. Soccer is the most popular sport in Ireland.


Religious Background:

The Constitution of Ireland says that the state may not endorse any particular religion, but guarantees the right of religious freedom. The majority of people identify as Catholic. The next largest group after Catholic is the non-religious group. Notably, 10% of the population identify themselves as non-religious, a number increasing steadily over the years. The country's Orthodox Christians, Hindus and Muslims populations have experienced significant growth in recent years, due chiefly to immigration, with Orthodox Christianity growing the fastest.


Catholic background:

Ireland, a pagan island, was evangelized in the 5th century by missionaries such as Palladius and Saint Patrick. During the English Reformation in the 16th century, divisions and hostilities arose between Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, which continued until the 20th century. Catholicism being the dominant religion in Ireland, has played a significant political and social role in the community since the 12th century. The Church is composed of 4 archdioceses, 20 dioceses and 1,312 parishes. Patron saints: Patrick, Brigid of Kildare, Columbkille, Columbanus.

Prayer Points


1. Irish to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 4 million Catholics in Ireland.

  • Catholicism is facing a spiritual and moral decline. Pray for Catholics to embrace the truth of the gospel and experience a new birth in Christ.

  • Ask God to continue drawing Catholics to Himself through His Holy Spirit.

  • Pray that all Catholics will embrace salvation found in Jesus Christ alone, apart from works.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 1,312 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 4,690 priests, 2,460 brothers and 8,088 sisters.

  • Pray that as Catholics search for religious truth, it will lead them to Jesus, and that they will surrender their lives to Him.​

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Revival is evident amongst the Irish believers. Ireland needs good Bible-trained leadership to carry the church forward. Pray for Irish believers to passionately reach out to their friends and neighbors, and continue to experience a sustained growth.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Progressive political changes have resulted in the legalization of divorce, abortion, and gay marriage. Suicide and alcoholism have plagued the young people of Ireland. Pray for God to reveal the gospel truth and draw them to Himself.


5. Other Religions

Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism along with New Age movements and Neo-paganism are found in the country. About 10% of population are non-religious. Pray for spiritual blindness to be removed and that they would know the Savior.

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