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Capital: Maseru

Major Languages: Sesotho, English

Area: 30,355 km2

Population: 2.2 million

HDI Rank: 165 of 189

Major Religions:

Catholic: 1 million (45%)

Protestant: 1 million (45%)

Other Religion:

Other: 220,000  (10%)

General Information:

Known as “The Kingdom in the Sky”, Lesotho’s mountainous terrain makes it the only nation in the world to be more than 1,000 meters above sea level. Many of the villages can be reached only on horseback, by foot or light aircraft. Lesotho became a British Colony in 1871, but it declared independence from the United Kingdom in 1966. Lesotho is a poor country with very few natural resources. The people known as Basotho, live in families and clans clustered together as units in small villages holding fast to family loyalties. Soccer is a popular sport in the country.


Religious Background:

During the early 19th century, prior to the arrival of Christianity in Lesotho, most of the Sotho people followed traditional African beliefs. Christian missionaries first arrived in the country in the 1830s, and they attempted to change the age-old rituals that denied basic rights to the Sotho women, such as the practice of polygamy that allowed aged men to marry young girls by paying bride price. Initially, the people of Lesotho were not happy with missionary activities that challenged their traditional beliefs. Syncretism is widespread in Christianity.


Catholic background:

The first Catholic mission was established in 1862 by the oblates of Mary Immaculate. Many pagans were converted to Catholicism and many Catholics still practice their traditional cultural beliefs and rituals. The Catholic Church has imbibed some aspects of local culture into its services. It has a prominent role in the country. There have been theological and political opposing views between the Catholic and the Protestant leaders. The Church is composed of one archdiocese, 3 dioceses and 86 parishes. Patron saint: Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Prayer Points


1. Basothos to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 1 million Catholics in Lesotho.

  • Many embrace traditional religious beliefs and rituals along with Catholicism. Pray that they would come to know Christ, and trust Him alone for their salvation.

  • Ask God for a great move of the Holy Spirit in the nation and many Catholics to come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, and become bold witness for the Lord.

  • Pray for blind eyes to be opened and that there will be receptiveness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, leading many to Christ.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 86 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 147 priests, 150 brothers and 653 sisters.

  • Pray that Catholics will turn from every deception and every form of piety that denies the power of God, and come to the knowledge of the truth.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Catholicism is the belief of a large segment of the population. Catholics are pressured against accepting the gospel through Evangelicals, and becoming born again. Pray for the gospel to spread, and for the Evangelicals to grow rapidly. Ask God to fill His people with a passion to see the lost saved in the nation.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Almost half of the population live below the poverty line, and unemployment is very high. The HIV/AIDS infection rate is among the world’s highest. Pray that God will uplift the lives of these people, and set them free in Christ Jesus.


5. Other Religions

Small percentages of the population practice Islam, Hinduism, as well as traditional religions that includes animism and ancestor worship. Pray that many will be set free, and drawn into the Kingdom of God.

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