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Capital: Vilnius

Major Language: Lithuanian

Area: 65,300 km2

Population: 2.7 million

HDI Rank: 34 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 2 million (77.2%)

Other Religions:

Orthodox: 110,700 (4.1%)

Protestant: 51,300 (1.9%)

Other: 0.5 million (16.8%)

General Information:

The kingdom of Lithuania was the largest country in Europe in the 14th century, comprising Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Moldova and Estonia. Lithuania was broken up in 1795. Absorbed by the Soviet Union at the start of World War II, it declared its independence in 1990, upon the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Lithuania is the only country in the world that has a national perfume called, “The Scent of Lithuania”. In spite of modern influences, Lithuanian folklore continues to be a significant part of the national heritage. Most popular sport is basketball.


Religious Background:

A large population of Lithuania is Catholic, but only about one-sixth attend church weekly. Catholicism retains a crucial role in Lithuanian society. Traditional groups like Lutheran, Reformed and Orthodox are struggling to maintain their numbers, and so also the Baptists, Pentecostals and Adventists. As a predominantly Catholic country, Lithuania celebrates all the major Christian holidays. The younger generation of Lithuanians are losing interest in Christianity as they see it as mostly irrelevant. Their interest in other forms of spirituality is growing.

Catholic background:

Lithuania was the last pagan country in Europe, accepting Catholicism in the late 14th century. Catholicism is the main faith of Lithuania since then. Catholicism in Lithuania withstood both the Reformation (16th century) and the church closures under the Russian Empire (19th century). Lithuanians held on to Catholicism, despite the Soviets (20th century) banning all religious expression. The Church is composed of 2 archdioceses, 5 dioceses and 677 parishes. Patron saint: Casimir, Cunigunde of Luxembourg.

Prayer Points


1. Lithuanians to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 2 million Catholics in Lithuania.

  • An overwhelming majority of the Catholics are nominal. Pray that Catholics would hunger and thirst for the truth, and open their hearts to receive Jesus.

  • Ask God to bring conviction to people about their sin and their need for a Savior. Pray that they would embrace Christ, and experience His redemptive power.

  • Pray that Catholics will realize that salvation is not a life-time process but it occurs at the moment they believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 677 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 779 priests, 145 brothers and 773 sisters.

  • Pray that the gospel will bear fruit among the Catholics and that thousands will come to Christ.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Doors for the gospel to remain open. There’s been an increase in Evangelical Christianity. Evangelical churches are small, divided and there is a widespread perception that Evangelicals are a sect. Pray for unity, and for the gospel to spread. Pray that more churches and believers will be involved in sharing the gospel with those in need.

4. Social evils and issues in the country

Greed for material goods, selfish pleasure-seeking, substance abuse, suicide, and trafficking of women for prostitution all damage the social foundations. Pray for a deep spiritual renewal to combat these increasing evils in the society.


5. Other Religions

Islam and Judaism have small communities in Lithuania. A large portion of the population profess to be non-religious. Pray that they would have a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ and trust in Him alone for their salvation.

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