Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Major Language: Malay
Area: 330,803 km2
Population: 33 million
HDI Rank: 62 of 189
Major Religion:
Islam: 20 million (61.2%)
Other Religions:
Catholic: 1.2 million (3.6%)
Protestant: 2 million (6%)
Buddhism: 6.6 million (20%)
Other: 3 million (9%)
General Information:
Malaysia means “Land of the Malays”. The country is divided into two landmasses separated by water, and both are socially diverse by culture, language, and ethnicity. About 60% of the population are Malays, the rest being Chinese and South Asians. The Portuguese captured Malaysia (Malacca) in 1511, and then the Dutch, the Japanese and the British took turns in occupying it. Malaysia gained independence in 1963. The world’s largest flower, “Rafflesia”, and the tallest tree, “Tualang”, are found in the country. Soccer and badminton are popular sports.
Religious Background:
Malaysia is a Muslim majority country with significant religious minority populations of Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and traditional Chinese religion practitioners. Travelers from India brought Hindu and Buddhist influences to the region. The Constitution declares Islam as a state religion, but it allows freedom of religion. Evangelization of Muslims is prohibited. Atheism and agnosticism are growing. There is a peaceful coexistence between religions and the major holy days for each religion is declared a national holiday in the country.
Catholic background:
The Portuguese arrived in the 15th century, bringing with them Catholicism. The first Catholic priests landed in the region in 1511 as military chaplains to the Portuguese. The missionaries were mainly Franciscan and Dominican friars. Full-scale missionary activities began with the arrival of the Jesuit missionary St. Francis Xavier in 1545. Malaysia became a stop-over for the thousands of missionaries who spread the faith to South and Far East Asia. The Church is composed of 3 archdioceses, 6 dioceses and 189 parishes. Patron saint: None.
Prayer Points
1. Malaysians to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior
Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
2. Catholics to know Christ
Pray for the salvation of 1.2 million Catholics in Malaysia.
Catholicism is largely nominal and secular. Pray that there would be a powerful witness among them and that many would commit their lives to Christ Jesus.
Pray for a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit to open blind eyes and reveal Jesus as the only true and living God.
Pray that the gospel will spread rapidly among the Catholics in the country, and that they would abandon their false practices and traditions, and see their need for salvation in Christ alone.
Pray for all the Catholics attending the 189 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 227 priests, 101 brothers and 558 sisters.
Ask God to continue drawing Catholics to Himself through His holy word and His witnesses.
3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply
There are government restrictions on witnessing to Muslims. The Evangelical growth is slow but growing, especially among the non-Muslims, mainly the natives, Chinese and Indians. Pray for church growth, and discipleship of new believers. Pray that Evangelicals will proclaim the gospel boldly and draw the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
4. Social evils and issues in the country
Malaysia is riddled with piracy, human trafficking for sexual exploitation, prostitution, and forced labor. Oppressive rule, human rights abuses, and social repression are other issues. Pray for good governance, and relief for the suffering.
5. Other Religions
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism and indigenous religions are prevalent in Malaysia. Pray for witnessing opportunities to minister to these various religious groups, and especially for open doors to witness to Muslims.