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Poland (2).png

Capital: Warsaw

Major Language: Polish

Area: 312,696km2

Population: 38.2 million

HDI Rank: 35 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 33 million (86%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 1.5 million (4%)

Other: 3.8 million (10%)

General Information:

Poland gained its independence from the 'Central Powers' in 1918 after World War I, only to be invaded by Germany, and later by the Soviet Union in World War II. It underwent communist rule during the Soviet rule until 1989. The country is known for its Auschwitz concentration camp. Since joining the EU in 2004, its economy has grown rapidly. The Polish language is said to be the most difficult language in the world to learn or understand. The “Malbork Castle” is the biggest castle in the entire world. Nicolaus Copernicus, Marie Curie and John Paul II, were all Polish. Soccer is the most popular sport.


Religious Background:

Religion is a very important part of Polish life. All religions have equal rights. Poland is considered the European Museum of Catholicism, having the largest percentage of the population in Europe, identifying as Catholics. The Catholic Church has had a social and cultural role far beyond the religious sphere, especially having played a pivotal role in the fall of communism in Poland. In 1978, Pope John Paul II became the first-ever Polish pope. Most major holidays in Poland are Christian in nature. There is a growing trend of agnosticism and atheism.


Catholic background:

The origin of Christianity in Poland can be traced back to as early as 966 A.D., under the ruler Mieszko I. Catholicism enjoyed prominence along other religions until World War II, but the Communism era altered the religious composition of Poland. Although devotion by Catholics in Poland has been decreasing, Poland is still one of the countries in Europe with a high rate of religious observance. The Church is composed of 15 archdioceses, 29 dioceses and 10,421 parishes. Patron saints: Mary Queen of Poland, Stanislaus, Adalbert, Stanislaw, Andrzej.

Prayer Points


1. Poles to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 33 million Catholics in Poland.

  • There has been a decreasing of faith. Catholicism is especially devoted to Mary. Pray for Catholics to focus on the redemptive work of Christ. 

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict the Catholics of the truth, and that they will open their hearts to Jesus and become His followers.

  • Ask God to reveal to Catholics that they are saved by faith and not by works and that salvation occurs the moment they repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 10,421 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 28,457 priests, 9,356 brothers and 23,967 sisters.

  • Pray for the millions of Catholics who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Ask God that they will open their hearts to Him.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

There are very few Evangelical Christians in Poland. There is a desperate need for evangelical witnesses, especially to reach out to the vast majority of nominal Catholics. Pray for God’s Spirit to empower believers to be bold witness for Christ. Pray that Evangelicals would use every opportunity to bring the gospel to the lost in the nation.

4. Social evils and issues in the country

The younger generation especially, are caught up in secular materialism, violence and immorality. Pray for our Lord to reveal falsehood and deception to these youth and bring them into the light of God’s truth.


5. Other Religions

Pagan, Wiccan, and New Age religions are gaining followers. A small percentage of the population belong to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jehovah's Witness. Pray that Christ will reveal Himself to those who are truly seeking Him.

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