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Capital: Lisbon

Major Language: Portuguese

Area: 92,212 km2

Population: 11. 2 million

HDI Rank: 38 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 9 million (81%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 0.5 million (3.5%)

Other: 1.8 million (15.5%)

General Information:

Portugal is a country with a rich history of seafaring and discovery.  It had a long era as a colonial power. By the 16th century, Portuguese had built a huge empire, embracing Brazil as well as territories in Africa and Asia. For almost half of the 20th century Portugal was a dictatorship nation, in which Antonio Salazar was the key figure. A bloodless coup in 1974 ushered in a new democracy. The Portuguese language is the major language of nine countries. Portugal is known for its traditional music Fado (Fate), and for its Port wine. Most popular sport is soccer.

Religious Background:

Portugal has no official religion, though in the past, the Catholic Church in Portugal was the state religion. Freedom of religion is guaranteed in Portugal, but the Catholic Church retains privileges from the government. Religion is becoming irrelevant in the face of increasing secularization. New Age ideals, Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses are beginning to take hold, especially among the youth.  There are Jews and a growing population of Muslims living in Portugal. About 8% of the population, mainly the youth, profess to be non-religious.


Catholic background:

Catholicism in Portugal has existed since the Iberian Peninsula was ruled by the Roman Empire. Exploration of the Portuguese Empire from the early 15th century onward spread Catholicism to its colonies in Africa, Asia and South America. As a predominantly Catholic country, Portugal is unified by the culturally embedded traditions and practices of the Catholic Church. There have been two Portuguese popes so far. The Chapel of Apparitions of Fatima in Portugal is visited by millions every year. The Church is composed of 2 archdioceses, 7 dioceses and 4,395 parishes. Patron saints: Our Lady of Fatima, Anthony of Lisbon.

Prayer Points


1. Portuguese to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 9 million Catholics in Portugal.

  • Catholicism is based on a stagnant belief upon tradition and practices. Pray that they will have a living and growing relationship with the Lord.

  • Pray for lost souls to have a spiritual awakening.

  • Pray that Catholics will believe that Jesus has died once and for all to forgive their sins and that they don’t have to make satisfaction (expiate) for their sins.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 4,395 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 3,936 priests, 1,376 brothers and 5,963 sisters.

  • Pray that the families of new Catholic believers will also come to know Christ.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

The Evangelical movement is growing, but faces serious divisions. While church planting is moving forward, many more full-time workers are needed. Pray that Evangelicals will be united, and they will rise to the challenge of meeting the need. Ask God for faithful and committed witness to share the gospel with those who do not know Christ.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Drug use has become prevalent, with half of all teenagers reportedly experimenting with illegal substances. Increasing debt and social depression are other social issues that Portugal is facing. Ask God to heal the nation of all evil.


5. Other Religions

With the rise in New Age beliefs and cults, a very high proportion of the population consult mediums and witches. A large segment of the Protestants is nominal and Muslims, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses  are increasing.  Pray that they will be saved.

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