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The Prayer Format 

The 'Praying for Catholics' website focuses on praying for the Catholic World. 83 countries have been short-listed  that constitute more than 99% of the world's Catholic population. The other countries with less than a million Catholic population are clubbed together into  Continent-wise clusters.

A. Maps: There are two maps, one showing where the country is located within the continent, and the other map allows you to see the neighboring countries.

B. Statistics: The various items in the statistics box will help you to get a better understanding of the country as a whole.

  • Capital: The capital of each country.

  • Major Language: The main/official/national language.

  • Area: Stated in million and square kms (The exact land area can sometimes be challenged by border disputes, etc.).

  • Population: Stated in million.

  • HDI Rank: Human Development Index (The index considers the health, education and income in a given country to provide a measure of human development which is comparable between countries).

  • Major Religion: A religion that is practiced by the majority of the people. Stated in million, and percentage compared to the total population.

  • Religions: These are other religions practiced in the country. Stated in million, and percentage compared to the total population.

  • Other: This heading includes Atheists, Agnostics, Cults, Non-Religious or Unaffiliated.


C. General Information: This section contains a brief summary of the historical and political background of the country, and  special features, culture, entertinment, sports, etc. Sports is especially included because it plays a dominant role  in the country’s cultural field and social development.


D. Religious Background: This section contains information about the various religions and aspects of religious life in the country.


E. Catholic background: This section contains information on how Catholicism was established, its growth, issues and challenges faced, etc. Includes data on the church establishment and the patron saints.


F. Prayer Points: The Prayer Points are divided into five categories:

  1. Praying for the entire population of the country.

  2. Praying for Catholics to know Christ.

  3. Praying for the Evangelicals to grow and multiply.

  4. Praying for the social evils and issues in the country.

  5. Praying for the other religions in the country. 


If you come across a word or a terminology in the Prayer Website that you do not know or not aware of, you will most likely find it explained in the Topics section, under article no. 15,  titled, 'Glossary'. You can also avail of the web search option by selecting/highlighting the particular word.

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