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Capital: Kigali

Major Languages: Kinyarwanda, English, French, and Swahili

Area: 26,338 km2

Population: 13.4 million

HDI Rank:  160 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 6.2 million (46.5%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 6 million (45.4%)

Other: 1 million (8.1%)

General Information:

Rwanda is often referred to as “Land of a Thousand Hills” because of its many mountains and breathtaking scenery. The Hutu people make up more than 80 percent of the population and the Tutsi make up most of the rest. In the 1890s, the Germans claimed Rwanda as a colony. However, the Belgians occupied the territory in 1916. The country became independent in 1962. In the 1990s, Hutu forces carried out genocide, massacring 800,000 Tutsis. Rwanda is a bird watcher’s paradise, with many rare species. The most favorite sport is soccer.


Religious Background:

The Constitution of Rwanda provides for freedom of religion. Catholicism is the largest and the most popular religion in Rwanda. The Catholic missionaries developed the so-called “Hamatic” theory of race origins which taught that the ethnic group Tutsis were a superior race compared to the Hutus, a teaching that led to a racial division between the two ethnic groups. Protestantism was introduced in 1908 by German Lutherans. Many followers of other faiths incorporate some traditional elements of African folk beliefs into their religions.


Catholic background:

Catholicism was introduced to the Rwandan people in the late 19th century. One of the major missionary groups to introduce the religion was the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers). The Catholic Church enjoyed the support of the colonial powers. Catholic missionaries are seen as having played a significant role in the racial divisions between Hutu and Tutsi and the 1994 genocide. In 1912 the White Fathers set up the first vicariate. The Church is composed of one archdiocese, 8 dioceses and 138 parishes. Patron saint: Assumption of virgin Mary.

Prayer Points


1. Rwandans to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 6.2 million Catholics in Rwanda.

  • Many practice a faith that is a blend of Catholicism and African folk beliefs. Pray that they would have a personal relationship with Jesus, and follow Him only.

  • Pray that the Lord of the harvest will give divine appointments to proclaim Christ to Catholics as Evangelicals go about with their daily routine.

  • Ask God for bondages to be broken and Catholics to be set free from the powers of darkness and come to know Christ.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 138 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 537 priests, 331 brothers and 1,390 sisters.

  • Ask God to reveal the gospel to Catholics in the way they understand. Pray for the development of tools and methods to present Christ in a relevant way to them.


3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

In recent years Evangelicals, especially the Pentecostals have grown rapidly in the country. Pray that Evangelical Christians will foster harmony and unity among the Tutsis and Hutus, and great Christian leaders will emerge from both these groups. Pray that there will be united intercession around the country to pray for the lost and evangelize.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Poor nutrition presents a great threat to the population, resulting in poor health among the Rwandans. The country has a high percentage of people infected with HIV/AIDS. Pray for provision and hope for those suffering in the country.


5. Other Religions

Islam and Jehovah’s Witness along with Atheism and African Folk Beliefs are prevalent in the country. Declare open doors for the gospel to be preached and many to come to Christ, and religious strongholds in their lives to be broken.

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