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Slovakia (2).png

Capital: Bratislava

Major Language: Slovak

Area: 49,035 km2

Population: 5.5 million

HDI Rank: 39 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 3.7 million (65.8%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 0.5 million (8.2%)

Other: 1.5 million (26%)

General Information:

Slovakia, formerly a part of Czechoslovakia, emerged from over 40 years of Soviet Communist rule in 1990 to become a democracy. Further, in January 1993, the "velvet divorce" (a peaceful settlement) led to the separation of Slovakia and Czech Republic. Slovakia has emerged as a prosperous and stable democracy. The country is known for its 1160 mineral and thermal springs, and has the highest number of castles and chateaux per capita in the world. Slovaks enjoy cycling, hiking, mountaineering, skiing, and rock climbing. Soccer is the most popular sport.

Religious Background:

Slovakia is officially a secular state with religious freedom to all. An overwhelming majority of Slovakia’s inhabitants identify with Christian heritage. In practice, however, Slovaks are very secularized, with religion playing very little role in their personal lives. Church attendance is diminishing and most are nominal Catholics. Atheists constitute nearly 10% of the population. A number of public holidays are associated with Christianity, including Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas and the feasts celebrated in honor of saints Cyril and Methodius.

Catholic background:

Catholicism was brought to the region in the 9th century by the Slavic missionary activity of saints Cyril and Methodius. The first Catholic Church was built around 830 A.D., and since then, Catholicism started flourishing. However, when Protestantism arrived in about the 16th century, a significant population of Slovaks left the Catholic Church and embraced Protestantism. Slovakia has remained a predominantly Catholic territory. The Church is composed of one archdiocese, 7 dioceses and 1,507 parishes. Patron saints: Our Lady of Sorrows, Cyril, Methodius‎.

Prayer Points


1. Slovaks to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 3.7 million Catholics in Slovakia.

  • A vast majority of the Catholics are nominal, given to spiritual apathy and stagnation. Pray for God to revive them and soften their hearts to receive Christ.

  • Pray for a revival of God’s love through an outpouring of His Spirit.

  • Pray that Catholics would base their faith in Scripture alone, which is the sole and supreme authority for truth.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 1,507 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 2,628 priests, 996 brothers and 3,018 sisters.

  • Ask the Lord to open the minds of Catholics and that they will get a revelation that Jesus died for them personally.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Evangelical denominations are few and small, and the growth is slow. Pray for the Evangelical churches to embrace a vision for evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Pray for evangelical churches to grow in godliness as well as number. Pray that believers would be united in praying for and reaching the lost for Christ in the nation.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

There’s a great gap between the rich and the poor. Increasing wealth has led many to materialism and hedonism. Depression and suicide rates are among the highest in Europe. Pray for God’s power to set people free who are caught in this trap.


5. Other Religions

Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses and adherents of the Baháʼí faith are some of the minority religious communities residing in Slovakia. Pray for greater mobilization efforts to reach out to these unreached groups in Slovakia.

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