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Capital: Ljubljana

Major Language: Slovene

Area: 20,271 km2

Population: 2.1 million

HDI Rank: 22 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 1.2 million (57.8%)

Other Religions:

Orthodox: 77,700 (3.7%)

Protestant: 40,000 (1.9%)

Other: 0.8 million (36.6 %)

General Information:

Slavic people, the ancestors of the Slovenes, settled in the region in the A.D. 500s. After World War II, Slovenia became a part of Yugoslavia. After the collapse of Soviet Union, Slovenia broke away from Yugoslavia, and gained independence in 1991. Slovenian society is very family oriented and meals are an important part of Slovene family life. “Potica” is a popular pastry among the Slovenes. Slovenia embraces the fun and ritual of carnivals. It is home to beautiful lakes, thousands of caves, and some of the best ski resorts in Europe. Most popular sport is soccer.


Religious Background:

Christianity was accepted by the Slavic tribes in the 8th century. The authority of a once-powerful Catholic Church hierarchy was broken by the departure of conservative Catholics (including many clerics) in 1945, and religious practice was further reduced because of communism and materialism. Though Slovenia is predominantly Catholic, there is a high rate of secularism and spiritual apathy in the country. A large section of the population consists of non-believers and those who are not affiliated with any religion.


Catholic background:

The Franks took over the region in the late 8th century and brought with them Catholicism, which was a dominant religion, until Protestantism gained a strong position during the Reformation in the 1500s. Their numbers diminished after the Counter-Reformation, led by the Jesuits. Catholicism has undoubtedly influenced Slovenia’s social and political scene. The feast days of the Virgin Mary are the central pilgrimage days. The Church is composed of 2 archdioceses, 5 dioceses and 803 parishes. Patron saints: Joseph, Cyril, Methodius.

Prayer Points


1. Slovenes to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 1.2 million Catholics in Slovenia.

  • Slovenes are very strong in their Catholic traditions, but lack a personal faith in Jesus Christ.  Pray that they would come to a deeper understanding of Jesus.

  • Pray for Catholics, who have been bound by the spiritual principalities and powers for generations, to be set free.

  • Pray that Catholics will know that the moment they put their trust in Jesus, they will never face the condemnation of God 's wrath, but have peace with God.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 803 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 1,150 priests, 372 brothers and 741 sisters.

  • Pray that Catholics would experience a deep and profound faith in Jesus and that the Bible and its truth may mould their lives.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Evangelicals are mostly nominal, secular and divided. Witness for Christ among the Slovenes is lacking. Most pastors are bi-vocational due to lack of financial support. Pray that Christians will be committed, and pastors be adequately supported. Pray for a church planting movement to be established throughout the nation. 


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Agnosticism, New Age and Eastern religious beliefs are increasing. There is a rise in organized and economic crime. Money laundering is a growing problem too. Pray that there will be a strong Christian witness in every segment of the society.


5. Other Religions

There is an influx of Muslim immigrants to Slovenia and they form the country’s second largest religious group. Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism are other small minorities. Pray for the gospel to reach them in culturally relevant ways.

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