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Capital: Seoul

Major Language: Korean

Area: 100,363 km2

Population: 51.3 million

HDI Rank: 23 of 189

Major Religion:

Buddhism: 11.8 million (23%)

Other Religions:

Catholic: 5.7 million (11%)

Protestant: 10 million (20%)

Other: 23.6 million (46%)

General Information:

Korea was a single country, occupied by Japan in 1905.  But in 1948, Korea was divided into two countries: North Korea and South Korea. The nation has developed into one of Asia's most affluent countries, with conglomerates, such as Hyundai, LG and Samsung groups. South Korea is one of the world's leading exporters of cars and electronic goods, and is the world leader in internet connectivity. Kimchi is the most popular dish.  Almost half of all Koreans are either called Lee, Park or Kim. Most popular sports are soccer, baseball and basketball.


Religious Background:

Buddhism was first introduced to Korea from China in 372 A.D., during Korea's Three Kingdoms Period, which lasted from 57 B.C. to 667 A.D. Protestant Christianity was introduced to South Korea in the 1800s by German missionaries. It has grown rapidly in the last several decades. Traditional Korean Shamanism has been around in Korea since times immemorial. About half of the population follow no religion. About one in five South Koreans is Christian. More than 20 percent of people are Buddhists. The Constitution provides for freedom of religion.


Catholic background:

Catholicism was first introduced in Korea in 1593 when a Portuguese Jesuit priest arrived to proselytize among the small Japanese community living there. At the time, it was illegal to convert Korean citizens. It was during the 1600s and 1700s that Catholicism grew. Throughout most of the 1800s, Catholics were persecuted and many killed by the Korean government. The Church has seen a significant growth in recent years. The Church is composed of 3 archdioceses, 12 dioceses and 1,734 parishes. Patron saints: Joseph, Immaculate Conception of Mary.

Prayer Points


1. South Koreans to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 5.7 million Catholics in South Korea.

  • Catholicism is blended with traditional Confucian customs, ancestral rites and philosophies. Pray for the gospel to take root, and that many will be saved.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable and empower the Body of Christ to reach out to every Catholic, in the nation. 

  • Ask God that Catholics would by faith in Christ become true members of the Body of Christ, which is the one and only true Church of Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 1,734 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 3,211 priests, 1,472 brothers and 8,397 sisters.

  • Ask the Lord to open the minds of Catholics and that they will get a revelation that Jesus died for them personally.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

The Korean church has seen a phenomenal growth from 1980s, and has been a model for its fervent prayer and vision for world missions. Pray that the exponential growth, the prayer movement and the missionary zeal will continue. Pray that believers will learn how to share their faith and lead many to the Savior.

4. Social evils and issues in the country

Society and culture in South Korea are changing rapidly. There are problems such as suicides, internet addiction, and a fast-growing sex industry. There is corruption in politics and industry. Pray for those caught in vices, vulnerable and suffering.


5. Other Religions

Korean Buddhism, Shamanism, Korean Confucianism, and Islam are practiced in South Korea. There is a small minority of Hindus, Jews, and various other sects and cults. Pray that they will recognize Jesus as the only Lord and Savior, and trust Him.

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