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Spain Revised.png
Spain (2).png

Capital: Madrid

Major Language: Spanish

Area: 505,990 km2

Population: 46.8 million

HDI Rank: 25 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 30 million (63%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 1.5 million (3.2%)

Other: 16.5 million (34%)

General Information:

Through exploration and conquest, Spain became a world power in the 16th century, and it maintained a vast overseas empire until the early 19th century. Spain's modern history is marked by the 36-year dictatorship of General Franco. The country got its democracy in 1976.  Spanish is the world’s second-most spoken native language, after Mandarin. Spain is the land of fiestas, flamenco, tapas and passion. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes was the first modern novel. Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí are great Spanish artists. Most popular sport is soccer.


Religious Background:

Catholicism has long been a part of the culture of Spain, but it became the state religion under General Franco, in 1851. With the new Constitution in 1978, religious discrimination ended. The Catholic presence is still strong in Spain, but the Church’s authority and influence is diminishing as secular materialism is rising. Other minority religions in Spain include Islam, Judaism, Protestant Christianity, Baha’i, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Islam is Spain’s fastest growing religion. A great number are either non-religious, or profess to be atheists or agnostics.


Catholic background:

Catholicism has been present in the Iberian Peninsula (includes modern Spain) since Roman times and spread rapidly by the 7th century. The Spanish Empire spread it to the Philippines and Latin America. It became a state religion from 1939 to 1975, during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. The Catholic Church in Spain has experienced a steady decline both in followers as well as clergy in recent years. The Church is composed of 14 archdioceses, 55 dioceses and 22,680 parishes. Patron saints: Immaculate Conception, James the Major, Teresa of Avila.

Prayer Points


1. Spaniards to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 30 million Catholics in Spain.

  • More than half consider themselves as cultural Catholics. Secular materialism is rising. Pray that God will open their eyes to see the truth of the gospel.

  • Pray for a mighty harvest of souls by the Holy Spirit power and the influences of pagan beliefs and practices to be broken.

  • Pray that Catholics will not place their faith in the rituals, traditions and good works, but trust Christ alone for their salvation.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 22,680 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 25,281 priests, 13,364 brothers and 52,243 sisters.

  • Pray that as the gospel is widely proclaimed and multitudes of Catholics would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and grow in Him.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

There’s been an eight-fold increase among Evangelicals in the last 30 years. Pray for a change in the negative perceptions of Catholics against the Evangelicals, so that they can reach the Spanish people with the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask God to grant wisdom and favor to mission agencies and missionaries working among the lost in the country.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Many are involved in foreign cults, occult, gambling, drugs and the younger generation especially, are involved in pre-marital sex, LGBT and same sex-marriage. Pray that the light of the gospel will bring godly values in their lives.


5. Other Religions

A large number of people are non-religious. Agnosticism and atheism enjoy social prestige, along with secularization. Islam is growing rapidly due to immigration. Pray for Jesus to be made known among these groups, as well as the Muslims.

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