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Tanzania (2).png

Capital: Dodoma

Major Languages: Swahili, English

Area: 947,303 km2

Population: 62 million

HDI Rank: 163 of 189

Major Religion:

Catholic: 19.5 million (31.3%)

Other Religions:

Protestant: 16 million (27%)

Islam: 21 million (35%)

Other: 4 million (6.7%)

General Information:

Shortly after achieving independence from Britain in the early 1960s, Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form the United Republic of Tanzania in 1964. Tanzania remains an “Island of Peace” amidst troubled nations. It shelters over a million refugees who flee violence in their own countries. The nation is home to Africa's highest mountain, “Kilimanjaro”, and it's also home to the “coconut crab”, which is the largest crab in the world. The marathon is the event that has brought the country the most honor. Track and field, soccer, and rugby are favorite sports.


Religious Background:

A majority of the Tanzanians are Christians. Muslims account for about 35% of the population. Only a small percentage of Tanzanians adhere to folk religions. Many Christians and Muslims in the country blend their traditional rituals and customs with those of Christianity or Islam. Witchcraft mixes in with both Christianity and Islam in Tanzania. Spiritual superstition and occultism often lead to sexual abuse or even death for victims who indulge in these practices. There is religious freedom, and harmony between the different religious communities.


Catholic background:

Augustinian priests who accompanied Vasco da Gama landed in Zanzibar in 1499.  A variety of Catholic missionary congregations dedicated to Africa laid roots in Tanzania, including the Holy Ghost Fathers, the Missionaries of Africa, and the Society of African Missions. The Catholic Church grew considerably, with about 1/3rd of the population today identifying as Catholic. Tanzania gave the Catholic world its first African cardinal in 1961. The Church is composed of 7 archdioceses, 34 dioceses and 847 parishes. Patron saint: Immaculate Conception of Mary.

 Prayer Points


1. Tanzanians to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 19.5 million Catholics in Tanzania.

  • Witchcraft, superstition, occultism and syncretism are all part of Catholicism. Pray for deliverance from all these evils and for them to come to Christ.

  • Pray that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will continue in a greater measure preparing the hearts and minds of Catholics to trust Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray that they will be set free from the religious indoctrination that has held them bound and have hindered them from knowing the truth of the gospel. 

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 847 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 2,140 priests, 1,745 brothers and 7,591 sisters.

  • Ask God for a large number to come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus, across the nation.


3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

There has been a considerable growth in Evangelical Christianity, especially among the Pentecostal churches. Many churches lack trained mature leaders to shepherd their flock. Pray for proper and effective discipleship to take place in the churches. Ask God to grant wisdom and discernment to mission agencies and workers. 


4. Social evils and issues in the country

HIV/AIDS, widespread poverty and corruption plague the country, compounded by severe refugee crisis. Pray for the government to take proper steps to eradicate poverty and corruption, and provide the necessary infrastructure for the people.


5. Other Religions

Islam and other minority groups such as Traditional Africanist, Buddhist, and Hindus are present in the country. Pray for God to open their spiritual eyes so that they will no longer be blinded by the god of this age and deceived into believing the lie of the devil.

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