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Uganda (2).png

Capital: Kampala

Major Languages: English, Swahili

Area: 241,038 km2

Population: 48 million

HDI Rank: 159 of 189

Major Religion:

Protestant: 21.5 million (45%)

Other Religions:

Catholic: 19 million (39.3%)

Islam: 6.5 million (14%)

Other: 0.8 million (1.7%)

General Information:

Uganda, known as “The Pearl of Africa”, is the second most populous landlocked country in the world, second only to Ethiopia. Arab traders reached the area in the 1840s and the first European explorers came in 1862. Uganda was a British protectorate from 1894 to 1962 when it gained independence. In 1971, army general Idi Amin overthrew the government in a military coup and ruled the country from 1971-1979 as a dictator. This was followed by guerrilla war and human rights abuses under Milton Obote. Soccer is the most popular sport.


Religious Background:

The residents of Uganda practice a wide range of religions, a freedom that is protected by the Constitution. Around 85% of the population practice one of several Christian denominations. The first non-indigenous religion to reach this country, however, was Islam. Muslims arrived in the 1830s. British explorers made their way in the 1860s bringing along with them Christianity. The first Protestant missionaries arrived in 1877, soon followed by French Catholic missionaries. Indigenous beliefs are typically practiced in conjunction with the other religions.


Catholic background:

Uganda witnessed some of its first Caucasian visitors in 1862. The zeal of the early converts helped spread Catholicity rapidly. Civil wars between Muslims and Christians, and later the English (Protestants) and the French (Catholics) halted mission activity for some years. Later, the Mill Hill missionaries and the Verona Fathers took charge and their evangelistic efforts were successful. The hierarchy was created in 1953 with the Archdiocese of Rubaga. The Church is composed of 4 archdioceses, 15 dioceses and 436 parishes. Patron saint: Mary Queen of Africa.

Prayer Points


1. Ugandans to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 19 million Catholics in Uganda.

  • Catholic practice in Uganda is mixed with indigenous religious beliefs, nominalism and materialism. Pray for a deep and committed relationship to Christ.

  • Pray for a Holy Spirit revival to come among the nation.

  • Pray for God to keep Catholics from believing the false gospel, and to know the true gospel of Jesus Christ, which is salvation by faith alone, by grace alone, apart from works.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 436 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 1,584 priests, 1,183 brothers and 2,989 sisters.

  • Pray that every Catholic would get the opportunity to hear the gospel and believe in the Lord Jesus.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Revival, and church growth continues since the 1980s to the present. Response to the gospel has been substantial. Many ministries provide aid, as they minister to people. Ask God for Ugandan believers to be models of Christ-likeness. Pray for the Evangelicals to be called to pray and reach out to the unsaved in the country.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

The nation has been hardest hit by the AIDS epidemic, that has resulted in millions of orphans and street children. Sexual sins, polygamy and the LGBT movement are other concerns. Pray for them to be set free from the ills and evils of the society.


5. Other Religions

The country has followers of Islam, Buddhism, the Baha’i Faith, Hinduism, and the Indigenous religions. Pray that as many seek the true living God, they will be encountered by our risen Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him as their Lord and Savior.

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