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Capital: Washington, D.C.

Major Language: English

Area: 9.8 million km2

Population:  333 million

HDI Rank: 17 of 189

Major Religion:

Protestant: 140 million (42%)

Other Religions:

Catholic:  80 million (24%)

Other: 116 million (35%)

General Information:

Inhabited by native Americans, the first Europeans to establish colonies in North America were the Spanish, in the 1500s. U.S. declared independence from Britain in 1776. The nation has grown into a world power, and is a world leader economically, militarily, and technologically. The two most traumatic experiences in the nation's history were the ‘Civil War’ (1861-65) and the ‘Great Depression’ (1930s). U.S. is the highest consumer of fast food in the world. The nation has won the most Olympic Medals. Favorite sports are American football and basketball.


Religious Background:

The nation provides for freedom of religion to all. Religion has always played an important role in the USA, with religious groups having strong socio-political views. U.S. has a rich Christian history and was founded on Biblical principles and values. Throughout its history, a number of widespread revivals have swept across the country. The many evangelical movements and organizations founded in the U.S. have impacted the entire world. It remains the world’s largest missionary-sending country. USA is also the birthplace of many small religious groups, and cults.


Catholic background:

Catholics first arrived in what is now the United States in the middle of the 16th century. The first settlers were all Spanish speaking Catholics. Most of the Catholic population in the USA during the colonial period were immigrants who came from England, Germany, and France. Despite its size and influence, the Catholic Church in recent decades has faced a number of significant challenges, from a decline in membership to a shortage of priests. The Church is composed of 33 archdioceses, 159 dioceses and 19,081 parishes. Patron saint: Immaculate Conception.

Prayer Points


1. Americans to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 80 million Catholics in the USA.

  • Catholicism is riddled with secularism, materialism, and overall moral decline both within the clergy and the laity. Pray for their hearts to turn to Jesus.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable the gospel to be proclaimed without compromise, with power and conviction.

  • Pray that Catholics will know that God loves them and offers them eternal life in Christ, through faith alone.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 19,081 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 44,906 priests, 21,698 brothers and 71,250 sisters.

  • Pray that Catholics will have a personal relationship with Christ, by committing their lives to Him as their Lord and Savior.

3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

Evangelicals have been growing in numbers. It is the driving force behind world missions and evangelization. Pray that the huge manpower and large resources will be used to evangelize not only the U.S., but the entire world. Pray that the church planting effort will bear much fruit and it will create a momentum that will spread across the earth.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

Legalization of abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage, mass shootings, racial conflicts, divorces and single parenting, and an increase of crimes have plagued the nation. Ask God to intervene, as the nation needs a healing touch of God.


5. Other Religions

U.S. is the home to Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, Hindus, and a multitude of other religious groups and cults. Pray that they would call upon the Name of Jesus, and be saved through Him.

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