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Vietnam 24 May.png
Vietnam (2).png

Capital: Hanoi

Major Language: Vietnamese

Area: 331,699 km2

Population: 98 million

HDI Rank: 117 of 189

Major Religion:

Indigenous: 71.5 million (73%)

Other Religions:

Catholic: 6.5 million (6.8%)

Buddhism: 12 million (12.2%)

Protestant: 1.5 million (1.5%)

Other: 6.4 million (6.5%)

General Information:

The first Vietnamese lived in a kingdom called Nam Viet beginning in 207 B.C. Vietnam was controlled by China, followed by France, and then a Communist group called the Viet Minh. The country was divided into two parts – North and South, but after the long Vietnam War, both parts reunited in 1976. Vietnamese culture includes a way of life still oriented toward kin groups and small communities. Floating markets and motorbikes everywhere, are a common sight. Drinking snake wine is considered as a sign of vitality. Most popular sport is soccer.


Religious Background:

Confucianism, Daoism, and Mahayana Buddhism entered Vietnam over many centuries. Buddhism came to Vietnam in the 2nd century. Catholicism was introduced in the 16th century, and Protestantism in 1911. A large population practice Vietnamese folk religion. The country’s Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but in practice there is a strong government control. Foreign missionary activities are considered to be illegal. Faith-based non-governmental organizations have to register with the government, and are not allowed to proselytize.


Catholic background:

Catholicism was first introduced in Vietnam in 1533. Full-scale missionary activity commenced with the arrival of Jesuits in 1624 and later by the Franciscans and the Dominicans. The influx of French missionaries from the Paris Foreign Mission Society led to swift growth. The heaviest concentrations of Catholics were in the North, but after the partition, many of them fled to the South. Catholic clergy and believers were forced to renounce their allegiance to Rome. The Church is composed of 3 archdioceses, 24 dioceses and 2,228 parishes. Patron saint: Joseph.

Prayer Points


1. Vietnamese to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Pray that everyone will get an opportunity to hear the gospel and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


2. Catholics to know Christ

  • Pray for the salvation of 6.5 million Catholics in Vietnam.

  • Catholicism is mixed with folk religious practices and ancestor worship rituals. Pray that they would make Jesus their Lord and worship Him alone.

  • Ask God to continue drawing Catholics to Himself through His Holy Spirit.

  • Pray that Catholics will examine their faith in the light of God’s word, and not trust in man-made traditions, beliefs and practices.

  • Pray for all the Catholics attending the 2,228 parishes to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  • Pray for the cardinals, archbishops, bishops, 2,668 priests, 2,793 brothers and 11,443 sisters.

  • Pray for Catholics who have committed their lives to Christ to be grounded in the word of God and well established in their faith.


3. Evangelicals to grow and multiply

The number of Evangelicals is growing, though believers are faced with harassment and even persecution because of their faith. Pray for unity among Evangelicals and for them to be an effective witness among the Vietnamese. Pray that their efforts to reach Vietnamese with the true gospel of Jesus Christ would be blessed.


4. Social evils and issues in the country

There is widespread corruption, poverty, prostitution, exploitation of women and children, and increased HIV/AIDS. Vietnam is one of the few remaining communist countries in the world. Pray for the gospel to banish all evil and darkness.


5. Other Religions

The majority of Vietnamese do not follow any organized religion, but practice folk religions. Buddhism is the major religion, and other religions include Hinduism, Islam, and Baháʼí Faith. Pray that they would come to the saving faith in Christ.

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